The Gran Paradiso National Park is an example of “taming of the mountain”, it was borned from the donation of the King Vittorio Emanuele III, it was the first royal hunting reservation, later converted to Park in 1922.
Remarkable interventions to facilitate the stay of the King during his hunting are still present and visible.
In the collective unconscious the mountain remains something uncontaminated, a form of impervious nature and resistant, that concept is strengthened if you are in a national park, what we see isn’t a manifestation of nature in the sense of wilderness, but a edulcorate (?) expression of what we would be offered without any human intervention.
The GPNP is organized and managed by a wide autority, hence the project was developed. The subjects are manager or supervisor areas of the Park, their decision power and influence shapes the perception we have of visiting it. The nature in the collective unconscious is filtered by theirs evaluations to preserve an area and what it contains, at the same time applying territorial activity.
Shooted long the time of a natural gesture of a breath, the makers become guardians and representatives of a form of nature from their preserved.